In the landscape of turbomachinery operations, reliability is never an option, and the only way to stop torque spikes from damaging your equipment is to make sure they don’t happen in the first place. With our strain gauge torque measurement systems for high performance couplings, you can obtain instantaneous torques value and react accordingly.
Dynamic Torque Meter System
Available Configurations
Model RDT2100
The standard torque metering system that measures torque and rotational speed independently in a rotating coupling and calculates power. This includes dynamic/torsional torque measurement.
Model TMS2200
Full capability of standard RDT2100 model with the addition of a Class I Division II certification of the system.
Proven Longevity
The tried and tested strain gauge technology used for over 5 decades is still the most accurate and direct way to measure torque in shaft, and is still used on all Riverhawk torque meters today.
Retrofit To Existing Hardware
Engineered to operate with most available couplings on the market and currently in the field with minimal modification. Compared to other torque meters available, our design weighs much less respectively.
Zero Test Speed
While phase shift type torque meters require some kind of minimum rotational speed or compensation to calculate torque, our systems can remain static which allows for a safe and accurate process for torque calibration in the lab.
Ten Million Inch-Pound Torque Test Stand
Readily available in our lab for a variety of testing with our torque management products, including torque meter systems. Using the ten million inch-pound test stand, we are able to strength test, calibrate, and develop validation testing on new or special shaft connection technologies.
"Riverhawk Company Provides Excellent Support"
“Riverhawk company provides excellent support for their flexible couplings and torque meter system. Their calibration service is fast and reliable, report is comprehensive and full of pictures. They are very responsive to our inquiries and have been instrumental to our high energy testing needs.”
-Raymond Ip
Test Engineer
Flowserve Corp. Vernon Facility